底部球座泄压式总成 面议
井下压裂工具-K344封 ¥5000.00/
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5-1/2h兆鑫石油 油管 ¥2000.00/
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兆鑫石油井下工具--7i ¥2000.00/
专业生产和供应水力锚 面议
Y221G系列封隔器 专 面议
产品用途 | 井下扶正油管作用 |
规格 | 井下工具--油管扶正器 |
售后服务 | 有 |
外形尺寸 | 7inch |
重量 | 20 |
品牌 | ZX |
型号 | 7INCH |
加工定制 | 是 |
TheTubing Centralizer is designed to be run in the tubing string to keep the tubing centralized which may help in preventing premature wear of the casing and tubing.
The Tubing Centralizer also helps reduce the harmonics and vibrations caused by the Pump, potentially reducing premature wear on the tubing anchor and other downhole tools.
Technical Parameters
Specifications | Total length (mm) | Open drag block expansion | Min OD (mm) | Pivot ID (mm) | Connection threads |
5 ?inch | 442 | 129 | 114 | 62 | 2 7/8NUE |
7inch | 456 | 168 | 138 | 62 | 27/8 NUE |
9-5/8inch | 498 | 230 | 198 | 62 | 27/8 NUE |
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