产 品 价 格: 2700.00元/台
联 系 方 式: 安敏(先生) 534-86-7282230
加工定制 | 是 |
类型 | 圆盘犁 |
适用领域 | 农业 |
耕宽 | 600(mm) |
耕深 | 200(mm) |
生产率 | 0.3(ha/h) |
重量 | 200(kg) |
生产厂家 | 禹城市一力机械制造有限公司 |
产品类型 | 全新 |
售后服务 | 一年保修 |
品牌 | 一力 |
型号 | 1LYQ-320 |
The machine is completely mounted with tractor, during operation, the discs is rotating to turn the soil, particularly, it is suitable for operation on the field with grasses, straw and stems of crops or plants, big soil resistance and with many stones and brickbat, etc. in the field. It is good at cutting the grasses and straw and free from stopped by the grasses, soil or stones, etc. It is easy to adjust and strong and durable.
售后及维修服务 :